Hiding Your Credit Card Debt
How much credit card debt do you have? At what interest rate?
What happens if you can't communicate with your significant other?
How do you protect money you inherit from a partner who spends?
This week Shawn & George tackle these topics on the show, giving their takes on questions and headlines such as:
Americans are hiding their credit card debt: https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/4068846-americans-are-hiding-their-credit-card-debt/
I don't want my spendthrift husband to get his hands on my inheritance: https://slate.com/business/2023/07/husband-inheritance-spending-personal-finance-advice.html
My boyfriend wants to put an end to my money-saving lifestyle: https://slate.com/business/2023/06/boyfriend-spending-budgeting-personal-finance-advice.html
What do you think? Do you talk to others about your money or your debt?
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To contact George Curbelo, you can email him at GCFinancialCoach21@gmail.com or follow his Tiktok channel - https://www.tiktok.com/@curbelofinancialcoach
To contact Shawn Yesner, you can email him at Shawn@Yesnerlaw.com or visit www.YesnerLaw.com.